Our giveaway of an autographed print copy of Heat Wave lasts all month – of course, you can always read it free at Kindle Unlimited!

Be sure to visit Weekend Writing Warriors to check out the rest of today’s exciting excerpts!
Contest details after our Sunday Snippet:
Last week we watched as Ed Harrington arrived on Maggie’s front porch. That wasn’t the first time they’d met – as the book opens, she’s chased him down in Des Moines on a trusted friend’s recommendation and offered him a job. Here’s the reader’s first glance at his reaction:
Harrington glanced away from Maggie Anderson’s penetrating blue eyes. They reminded him of robin’s eggs. He grimaced. He hadn’t seen a robin’s egg since he was a kid. But that wasn’t the reason he’d looked away. The woman was carrying too much pain; he already had more than enough pain for any one human being. He sure didn’t need to borrow any of hers.

Hang onto the land – but at what cost? Feisty widow hires ace racehorse trainer to salvage her family’s heritage. Can they survive escalating threats to life and limb?