The first erotic romance my husband and I wrote together under our pen name Adriana Kraft was filled with hot three-way scenes between the immortal Love Goddess Aria and the mortal couple whose marriage she came to save, Ryan and Jamie Hazleton. We’ve never looked back – nearly all our stories have at least three-way encounters, sometimes more, and most of our heroines are bisexual. We wrote (and still write) what we love to read, scenes that turn us on, even when we read, re-read, edit and polish them. Scenes that fill our fantasy life—scenes we’d love to find ourselves in the middle of. We hope you do, too.
What’s been fascinating for us is how our tastes have expanded, once those doors opened. We now find ourselves writing a much wider range. We’ve played with the unique pleasures two men can bring to one woman – April Day’s fantasies of a D.P. come to mind, now available in print in our 2in1 release at Whiskey Creek Press Torrid, Meghan’s Playhouse Vol. 2.
But it’s been our swinging characters, Jen and Brett Andrews, who pushed us over the brink into three-ways that include m/m. Turns out it’s not only Jen who discovers she’s bi at mid life – Brett has been bi-curious for longer than he’s let anyone know. He sampled a small taste in Swinging Games: A Tempting Taste, and now he’s ready for more in Swinging Games: Complexities. Here’s a small sample for your reading pleasure:
What if the neighbors find out –
and what if they want to join in?
Delectable complexities unfold
as Jen and Brett continue their swinging adventures!
“Christ, this guy is torturing me.” Dan’s fingers dug into Brett’s shoulder.
Brett raised his head to read his partner better.
“No, don’t stop. This is incredible torture.”
“Make sure you let us know when you’ve had enough or are close,” Jen cautioned.
“I will. Keep going, Brett. Please.”
Brett smiled around the cock he’d slipped back into his mouth, more than a little pleased their new bi friend was in such a dither due to him. He sank deeper down the cock, taking as much as he could easily manage, amazed at how its width stretched his mouth.
“Damn, I like watching a man go down on my man.”
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Brenda palming her pussy. He peeked at Jen to see her doing the same. He shuttered his eyes, waiting for something—for what, he wasn’t quite sure. At least the women were enjoying the show, and from the sounds of Dan’s labored breathing, he wasn’t complaining either.
Brett stretched as taut as he could. His balls ached. And then he heard the beat. Was it coming from his head, his balls or Dan’s cock? It didn’t matter. Keeping fingers wrapped tightly around the base of Dan’s penis, Brett began to bob up and down like so many women had done for him in the past.
Even with his eyes closed, his vision blurred. He had to remember to breathe. Fingers encircled his cock. He wasn’t sure whose and he didn’t care. All he wanted was to share some the sensations coursing through his body with Dan—at the point of their connection.
He slowed, not wanting this electrifying exchange to end too soon. He backed off a little and nibbled briefly before resuming his dance with Dan’s cock.
“How in the hell did you learn how to suck cock like this?” Dan wailed. “Jesus.”
I agree. I have just started to write stories with three-way sex scene in my series The Pleasure of Our Company and Games People Play. I find that this does indeed open up so may new ways especially writing erotica and erotic romance. The characters are complex and complicated, which always makes for a good storyline because when plotting sometimes we as writers are surprised by where the plotting takes us.
Collette Thomas
Agreed – funny how the characters spring from our minds (we think) but seem to have a life of their own, and it’s their surprises that often make for the best stories.
I think the more we explore the depths of what makes us human the better we become at expressing it. As writers, if we aren’t constantly striving to find out what makes us tick, us being the human race in general, we may fail to discover a piece of the puzzle that finally fits into place for ourselves or someone reading our stories.
I love reading them but I haven’t ventured into the menage theme…yet. I’m always open for possibilities though.
I so agree – the puzzle is a huge mystery that will always have new pieces and generate new stories. Meantime it’s wonderful to explore. “Open for possibilities” has been our theme phrase ever since my hus band and I got together!