Yup, you got it – both halves of Adriana are over fifty, and you’d better believe we’re still after hot sex – for ourselves, and for our readers. Our quest has taken us to some fascinating places and I thought we’d share some of our finds with you in today’s blog post.
Of course you already know we’ve been dipping into the swing lifestyle. We’ve met and talked with a host of swingers and checked out some lifestyle clubs. If you think swinging is just for the young and lithe, think again – it seems no age is too old, if the interest is there and the body is willing. We’ve met swingers in their seventies and heard tales of folks into their eighties. For more information and tips on the swing lifestyle, check out our interview of Swinger and Life Coach Chantelle Austin, HERE. And of course if your interest leans more toward erotic swinging fantasies, we now have six books released in our Swinging Games series over at Extasy Books. Here’s a link to a short sample from our newest one, Who’s the Coach? Our hero/heroine couple in this series are empty nesters who are baby boomers, btw.
Two more themes pop out at us from the sexy over-fifty crowd. One is health and fitness. You don’t have to stay fit to keep having hot sex, but it sure makes a difference – in stamina, energy level, arousal, responsiveness, and mood, not to mention attractiveness. That’s a LOT of benefits, worth the effort. Some baby boomers have been following healthy eating and workout routines all their lives. For those who haven’t, it’s never too late to start, and there are lots of websites with tips for keeping older joints and muscle groups happy and healthy. Here’s a sampler:
The other theme is, for want of a better term, keeping up appearances. It’s a combination of self confidence, pride, presence, and attractiveness – looking one’s best, flaunting it and enjoying the heck out of it. Cougars are pretty famous for exuding these qualities, and here’s one I like, filled with tips for looking as young as you feel: Linda Franklin’s The Real Cougar Woman. She’s based in New York City. Her counterpart across the pond is Fab After Fifty.
And of course we’re writing new heroes and heroines who’ve crossed the magic fifty line. Coming in July to Whiskey Creek Torrid, Ripening Passion continues our series on a (fictional) sex institute, begun with Smoldering Passion. We’ll tease you with the blurb here and keep you posted on its progress as we approach release day!
Claire Johnson’s dedication to sex—the cornerstone of her career—led her to found the Center for Sexuality and Sex Practices. Now in her fifties, she knows the Center must keep pace with the rapidly growing Baby Boomer market, so she agrees to go back on camera for a series on sex and aging. But work with her nemesis?
Former English Professor Max Wilson has championed the cause of the Center ever since his deceased wife sought the Center’s help to rekindle the nearly extinguished sexual flames of their relationship. He loves working on camera and welcomes the challenge to perform with the svelte but feisty temptress.
Sparks fly immediately on and off camera. Can either Claire or Max transform those sparks into a fire of sexual desire for their viewers? And if they succeed, what will happen when the movie’s over?
I have heard of the swinging lifestyle but not really read much into it. I think that everyone is entitled to enjoy life the way they desire as long as they are doing it safely and not endangering themselves or others. I don’t mind reading about new and different ways that people find pleasure in their lifestyles. Just because it doesn’t work for me doesn’t mean that I am against it.
Thanks, Regina – agree, totally! What we hope is that our stories inspire fantasies and excitement, and maybe just a little voyeurism…some vicarious thrills, at least!
Heh. We’re in the over sixty club… And yeah, sex is still as important. When I was an eighteen year old newlywed, we went on a “delayed” honeymoon to see my grandparents out west. The house hunk wanted a little afternoon delight…but I was horribly embarrassed. My grandmother took me to the side and informed me that she and my grandfather were still “active”. *Snort* Looking back on it… I still laugh at my embarrassment.
We are delighted to know these authors personally and we enjoy this wonderful pair very much. We read their books and chat on-line with them as well. Now, if you think their minds are sexy, you are right. They certainly inspire us.
I hope we are still swinging in our sixties! As long as everyone is having a fun time then bring it on no matter what the age. Great point about maintaining personal fitness to help with stamina and to keep the body able to perform! Check out swinglifetyles.net as it has awesome content for maintaining a healthy active swinging lifestyle.
Thanks for stopping by, Alan – and for recommending a website new to us. I’ve checked it out and will be adding it to our links page. Here’s to staying healthy and active!!
I was watching the Wendy show the other day and they were asking all kinds of sex related questions and an 80 year old woman comes on and says that she has sex once a week and wants to know if she had sex 2 times a week with her husband if it would kill him. Lol. So it’s nice to see that just because you get older, doesn’t mean you have to give it up.