Welcome to MFRW Hooks, where the authors of Marketing for Romance Writers share snippets from their stories to entice you into wanting more. Be sure to click on the links at the end to travel!
When I and my husband first invented Meghan Keenan, we envisioned writing a sexy romp with lots of menage scenes, capitalizing on her bisexuality. We had no idea she’d hang around for so many books. We also were moved by the way she handles herself. She’s always up front with potential relationships about the fact that she’s bi and non-monogamous. What you see is what you get.
Her good friend in Las Vegas hasn’t got that sorted out yet, and now she finds herself in a relationship that’s turning serous but is missing a crucial piece of information…
A ring for Christmas? Sometimes what you hope for and what you fear are one and the same.
In Las Vegas for a brief stint in a musical revue and ready for some uncomplicated sex with a kindred spirit, Meghan Keenan is only too happy to resume connections with her sometimes lover, Lisa Perkins.
But Lisa’s in a quandary. Her most recent boyfriend has suddenly become serious, with hints of a diamond ring in her future – and she’s never told him she’s bisexual. What if he freaks? What if he makes her choose?
Professional photographer Bryce Henry spends his days up close and personal with beautiful models and actresses. Now he’s deeply in love with Lisa and ready to pop the question, but even he wonders about long term fidelity. What does he want, and how bad does he want it?
What will happen when Meg takes hold of Lisa’s problem and runs with it?
Set Up: Lisa and Meg have spent the afternoon making love, and now they’re sitting in Lisa’s kitchen. Lisa’s just let Meg in on her problem.
“Do you have any ideas?” Lisa continued. “I really don’t want to lose Bryce, but I won’t put myself in a situation where I can’t be faithful to my partner and to myself. I know you’ve helped several couples sort things out.”
“Don’t get your hopes up about what I can do. I’m no Houdini. I’ve been able to assist couples to discover what they wanted who maybe didn’t recognize it before. Maybe a little more than that. But I don’t work miracles. In the end, partners have to work out matters for themselves.”
Lisa dropped her gaze, and Meg could see more tears streak down her face. “Don’t look so dismayed. I didn’t say I wouldn’t try to help. We’ll put our heads together and see what’s possible.” Meg paused. “You do know, though, it’s at least possible that when Bryce learns you’re bi, he’ll walk away? I certainly don’t understand why, but that is a possibility.”
“That’s why I’m stymied. But Christmas is coming soon. I can’t wait much longer. I’ve got to find a way and let whatever happens happen.”
“You guys have been an item for a couple years, right?”
“And you haven’t talked about your level of commitment?”
“We talk easily about lots of things. We’ve talked about loving each other. But we’ve never gotten explicit about what commitment means.”
“Interesting. Maybe Bryce is as conflicted about commitment as you seem to be. So do you think he’s been faithful to you these past two years?”
Lisa shrugged her shoulders. “I’m quite sure he’s not bi. But he is a highly sought-after photographer here in Vegas. He’s constantly putting portfolios together for showgirls, actresses and wannabe performers.” Lisa scrunched her mouth. “I think if he was constantly fucking his models, I’d hear about it through the grapevine. Has there been a dalliance now and then? I couldn’t say. I wouldn’t bet against it.”
“And that doesn’t bother you?”
“Maybe it should, but I’ve been with several women during that same time period.”
“Maybe you should be Bryce’s photography assistant…then you could share—just kidding.”
“So what do you think?” Lisa finally said. “Am I being stupid about all of this? Can you see a way out that doesn’t simply throw the last two years away?”
“No, I don’t think you’re being stupid. You have every right to be who you are. But you do seem to have dug a hole for yourself. Somehow, you’re going to have to find a way to share who you really are with the man you love. If you can’t do that with Bryce, then maybe he’s not the man for you.”
Meg watched Lisa fight back tears again and continued, not waiting for a response. “I think maybe I should invite Bryce to lunch to talk about having him do a photo shoot for me. That may give me at least a peek into what he’s thinking, if not what he’s doing. Does he know your ring size?”
A Ring for Christmas
Meghan’s Playhouse, Book 4
Can be read as a standalone
Pages: 37
Words: 11, 276
Genres: LGBTQIA+, Erotic Romance, Holiday Story, Contemporary Romance, Menage
A Ring for Christmas is on sale at the publisher’s, now through December 31, for half price:
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I think Meghan’s zeroed in on the key point. If you have to hide part of yourself from the one you love… then maybe he’s not the right one. On the other hand, the fear of rejection is a strong deterrent to honesty.
Excellent, realistic conflict here.
Exactly! Thanks, Lisabet.
Ooh now I’m wondering what will happen during the photo shoot! Great excerpt!
LOL – it’s definitely a steamy scene…