Do you follow @danandjennifer on Twitter? Definitely worth your time if you have any interest in sex! They’re a young couple with a fabulous sex advice blog and website at packed with short Q&A videos on hundreds of sex topics plus links and resources for anything you can think of.
One of my favorites is their “1001 best places to have sex.” Each time they tweet a new one it sparks discussion at our house – have we ever thought of that one? Can we top it? Have we written it into a book? Best, of course, is “ooh, been there, did that!”
So here are a few of theirs, and some you can find in our books.
From Dan and Jennifer:
At an Open Bus Stop Already tried the enclosed bus stop? Well, having sex at any open bus stop is guaranteed to attract attention – wanted or unwanted. The challenge here is to have sex without anyone knowing you’re having sex. Wearing a loosefitting skirt is always a good option to avoid getting caught.
In the Sleeper of a Semi Truck Sleepers in these big trucks can be quite plush, albeit small. Cuddle up for some kinky sex at the truck stop!
In the Family Room Behind the Sofa Remember what we did under the bed? Pull the sofa out just enough for you both to fit behind it. It should be very tight – that’s the whole idea.
You can find their whole list at – or you can buy Jennifer’s book by the same title at
Favorites we’ve written:
On a crisp fall day in the north woods in a solidly built secluded deer stand – from Return to Purgatory Point ~ excerpt:
Natalie stood and brushed her lips across his. “Don’t look so dumbfounded. Haven’t you ever done it outdoors?”
“Of course I have. But a deer stand, in the middle of the day?”
“Works for me,” she said with a grin. She reached for the snap on her jeans and laughed at his wideninging eyes.
“What if someone comes by?”
She yanked on her zipper. “You expecting company out here?”
“Could happen. Maybe some one is exploring sign for the upcoming hunt.”
“They better not do it on my property unless they have permission.” She kicked aside her jeans. “You have permission to explore any and all my property. If you care too.”
On an oak kitchen table at a secluded guest cottage in Stratford-Upon-Avon – from The Diary.
“I’m glad you liked it.” Kate lifted her glass to her lips, but it never quite got there. Wine poured down between her breasts in rivulets.
“Oh, goodness!” she exclaimed, leaping to her feet and unsnapping her skirt. “How clumsy I am.”
Spellbound, Grayson watched the tiny river of wine make its way down to her belly button and over her belly. It became lost in her pussy curls.
“Now I’m sticky again,” she complained. “I can clean my breasts, but I may need your help. Do you think this table will hold me?”
“The table is solid oak. It’ll hold you. Hell, I’ll buy them a new one if it doesn’t.”
Up against the wall in the foyer of her house – from The Merry Widow
On top of the pool table – from Swinging Games: Who’s the Coach?
In front of a floor-to-ceiling window overlooking Central Park – from Smoldering Passion
Leaning out the stone window of a restored cloister overlooking the gardens below – from Colors of the Night
In a gazebo – from Writing Skin
On a wooded hillside overlooking Walden Pond – from Through the Mirror
We’d love to hear some of your favorites!
Hi there Linda, I agree! What are some hot spots for sex in some of the books you’ve been reading on that new ipad?
“In a gazebo” – this one’s great.. except when I experienced it, it was while seeking shelter from a thunderstorm. 🙂
OOooo, even spicier! I’ll bet that was exciting…