Three of Cups:
Bounty, abundance, celebration, fruition…all have come full circle
Is it Erotica? Is it Erotic Romance? The next book Mr. Kraft and I published blurs the boundary and is the steamiest book we’ve ever written: Full Circle, published in 2007. Readers born any time after the seventies probably won’t remember a time when the vast majority of popular romance novels kept the bedroom door closed. But with the onset of e-book publishing, indie publishers began to break that barrier, and suddenly there was a rash of new indie e-pubs offering explicit romance.

Full Circle was written in response to a submission call for romance novellas in a Tarot series at Extasy Books. I don’t have any notes about whether we selected our card (which would be appropriate) or whether it was assigned to us – but Three of Cups seemed perfect, and we immediately knew we wanted to write three women. While putting this post together I ran across something I’d written when the book came out:
ménage à six – I don’t speak French, but it just happens that the number six is spelled the same in French and English.
Exotic dancer Barbra Atkins has spent ten years carefully choreographing every step of her meteoric rise to success on the private club circuit. Now it’s payback time for the two college roommates who didn’t have time for their nerdy classmate ~ add three strapping spectacular hunks to the mix, and revenge can be so sweet!
The sheer shock on the faces of her former college roommates proved more satisfying than Barbra Atkins had even dared hope. Tingling, she blew kisses at the rest of her audience, mainly men but with a nice smattering of women present.
Her fans began chanting Tam-my, Tam-my, Tam-my—her stage name. She stretched to her full height, rising on the toes of her high heels, lifting her long curls off her shoulders, knowing full well how that simple gesture accentuated her breasts. Without checking, she knew her nipples had swollen to nearly twice their normal size and jutted against the sheer peignoir top, suggesting a little mystery. Many of her fans didn’t care about mystery. Barb blew another series of kisses and rotated her hips. A little mystery fed the fantasies, bringing her customers back for more, encouraging larger tips, and generating more lap dance opportunities than she could fit in between dance numbers.
She’d honed every move of the body, every glint of the eye, every twist of the smile to enhance the fantasy. She’d studied hours and hours of tapes of her routines and had rearranged them with a critical eye. Grinning at a beefy man waving a fist full of bills, she danced confidently toward him, knowing that she’d left little if anything to chance.
Title: Full Circle (Three of Cups)
Series: Tarot
Publisher: Extasy Books, 2007
ISBN: 978-1-55410-804-6
Genre: Erotic Romance
Length: 20,000 words, 80 pages
Heat Level: Five Flames
Explicit sex: M/F, F/F, Ménage: F/F/M, Toys, Anal sex, multiple partners
PUBLISHER: Extasy Books
Currently on sale for $2.00 from the publisher.
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