Ever fantasize about three-way ménage? How about a long-term three-way relationship? Lots of people who end up in a polyamorous relationship never entertained that fantasy – they just suddenly found themselves in love with more than one person and created a way to make it work.
Can it work in the real world? We know it can and does, and that’s the dilemma we handed to Jamie, Susan and Mason in Three A Love Story. Both bisexual and deeply in love with each other, Jamie and Susan have continued to date men casually and even on occasion enjoyed three-way sex.
But what happens when one of those liaisons triggers deeper feeling? It’s not so easy…
A Love Story
just released at Extasy Books!
Three lives—but how many loves?
Committed lovers for three years, Jamie and Susan are good together. Jamie knows she wants Susan in her life forever. But what if that’s not enough?
Both bi, the two have continued dating men occasionally, and now Jamie’s falling in love with Mason. Can she love two persons? Will her love for either one wrench the other one out of her life?
Jamie’s convinced a long-term three-way relationship is the answer, but none of the players are prepared for what’s coming. Two-way relationships are hard enough—is a three-way even possible? And if so, what must each of them give up to create it?
Jamie eyed her partner, waiting for her to awaken. Now was the moment—she couldn’t let the subject wait any longer, even though it put her stomach in knots. Mason Johnson. It was time. Maybe past time. She steadfastly believed everything would work out for the best. Still, what she was about to propose might shake their comfy world a wee bit.
She smiled that her Irish grandmother’s voice had crept into her thoughts. Well, maybe that was why she felt so good about her future—their futures. It might require a bit of the luck of the Irish to pull off, but she just knew it could be done—if everyone simply trusted the process. She had Celtic roots. She had natural red hair…nothing fake about that. She could work her own magic. Couldn’t she?
Jamie grimaced. She wished it was so. But she’d never discovered a magic wand or a book of wizardry that would give her that kind of power. No, if her dream became real, it would require three persons working together.
She blew her waking lover a kiss. It would take three persons playing together, too.
“Hey, you,” she said softly. “Was that as good for you as it was for me?”
A Love Story
available now at Extasy Books
Coming soon to other e-book vendors