Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, where writers share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of their writing on Sunday. Be sure to visit other participants at http://www.wewriwa.com/ and read and comment on their #8sunday posts.
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Here’s more from Riders Up, Book One – think some sparks are gonna fly? Cassie’s prepping her horse for a race at a small Wyoming race track:
The handsome stranger walked around the horse. “Very nice,” he drawled at last.
Cassie continued grooming, doing her best to ignore the man.
“You’re gonna wear a hole in that horse with all that hand rubbing,” he commented dryly.
Cassie straightened. Her lips flared. Her cheeks burned as if on fire. Her eyes bore into the man. “And just who the hell are you? And what gives you the right to criticize how I groom my horse? I’ve been tending horses since I was big enough to walk.”
High stakes, a fiery Irish redhead, her stunning racehorse, and a fiercely loyal rancher.
Cassie’s Hope
Series: Riders Up! Book One
B&B Publishing:
November, 2013
Ebook, Paperback
Novel: 71,000 words
Cover Artist: Rebecca Poole
Three flames:
Explicit sex: M/F
What happens when a fiercely loyal widowed half-Ute cowboy meets a fiery redhead with an Irish temper to match? Cassidy O’Hanlon – Cassie, to her friends – has set aside her Chicago career for six months to train racehorses for her dad after his stroke.
Furious the interloper has shipped in a ringer from the Chicago circuit to his Wyoming turf, Rancher/trainer Clint Travers sets out to put her in her place. Sparks fly immediately, but after their rocky start, the two quickly forge a passionate relationship, and he follows her to Chicago.
When it becomes clear someone is drugging Cassie’s horse, Clint sets out to solve the mystery, but storms off in a cloud of wounded pride when suspicions turn to him.
Can love trump pride?
Five stars at Goodreads: “…I took their journey with them. I felt their pain, their sadness, their struggles, and most of all their love. And that is the mark of a truly good book.” Faith
Print and e-book: Amazon
Free at Kindle Unlimited
Be sure to stop by the rest of the
Weekend Writing Warriors at this LINK –
you’ll be glad you did!
Oh, I think she just cemented his attention. Oops.
At least he likes the horse, if not her grooming.
I like this very much. And her retort is just right. Women, we are strong.
Was he just making a comment to start a conversation or being critical? I think it was the former, and she is way too touchy. Will that put him off or entice him? I guess we’ll see as the story progresses.
Grrrrrrowl! Their claws are out. What a great exchange to heat up the moment.
Oh, anything with a horse gets my attention! I don’t blame her for being annoyed at his comment, hand rubbing is a good way to groom a horse, I believe the native American indians used to groom that way and I’ve done it myself too (though it does make your hands grubby if there’s grease in the coat, but hands can be washed! Enjoyed the snippet.