Will this love triangle with an immortal goddess ignite or extinguish
the dying embers of Jamie and Ryan’s love?
Welcome to the MFRW Steam Hop,
where the authors of Marketing for Romance Writers
entice you with steamy excerpts from their erotic romance stories.
Scroll to the end for more of this week’s tempting excerpts.
This week I’m featuring my very first published romance novel, Colors of the Night. You can read the story behind it HERE.
The dazzling and timeless love goddess Aria pays a visit to struggling thirty-something Jamie and Ryan Hazleton, who are on the brink of divorce. When the hot sex that results from her first lesson cools to icy glares, Aria decides to move in with them and provide more experiential learning. Can Ryan overcome his jealousy of Jamie’s uninhibited response to the delectable goddess? What if he succumbs to his own desires? Only time will tell whether this love triangle with an immortal will ignite or extinguish the dying embers of Jamie and Ryan’s love.
Set-up: Aria has brought Ryan and Jamie to a secluded cloister, one of Jamie’s favorite spots in the Twin Cities.
The three of them had climbed the wrought iron stairs six flights to the very top of the tower. Its stone ceiling protected them from the elements. The small open windows artfully carved in the stone walls provided access to spectacular views of the surrounding gardens. Jamie could see beds of orange, pink, red, pale blue and green. Flowers and shrubs of more varieties than she could name dotted the meandering sidewalks. Here and there she saw splendid tall trees—pine and cedar, for sure, and perhaps maple and oak. Jamie inhaled deeply. Would she ever get enough of the refreshing spirit permeating this space?
“I see that you connect with this place, Jamie,” Aria said. “That is good. These stones have witnessed much and will be enlivened by your sincerity and your odyssey through the sexual delights.”
Jamie turned to stare at the goddess of love. “Here?” she mouthed.
“This is perfect. Hardly anyone is around, and you already have a special place in your heart for these stones. I cannot imagine that we will find a better location in which to take a small risk in sharing our love.”
“But what if somebody comes?”
Aria grinned demurely. “No doubt, somebody will come.”
“I don’t mean that.”
“We won’t be bothered,” Aria said, glancing out one of the small windows. “Why don’t you stand over here, Jamie? Put your hands and shoulders in the window. There. You can see that no one is approaching the door below.”
“That’s true enough,” Jamie said, bending over to check below. Quickly, her skirt lay draped over her back and her buttocks pleasantly cooled. She hadn’t realized how hot she’d become. Hands cradled her rear; Aria’s long fingernails swept across her butt while Ryan’s stubbier fingers plied at her cleft. Jamie widened her stance.
“She’s quite ready for you, Ryan. Why don’t you drop your sweatpants and do your wife right here? I know you want to. She’s prepared, are you?”
“I’m as hard as these rocks. I’m ready.”
“Good, let me link the two of you.”
Jamie didn’t have to look to know the goddess was parting her nether lips and guiding Ryan’s cock. Its head pushed onward quickly, seating itself deep in her sex. She braced herself against the window, waiting for Ryan to take her to a familiar place. She kept her eyes open to guard against discovery. The cloister gardens remained serene with no one about.
Familiar places? This was one of those places, but today it seemed different, even more inviting, more welcoming. Her husband pinched her rear and began to take her slowly at first then faster. Her breath became ragged. She wanted to touch her aroused bud but didn’t want to risk losing her precarious perch in the window.
“Ah,” she sighed. The fingers caressing her clitoris had also become familiar. She trusted them, just as much as her husband’s. Electric shocks began coursing from her pussy to her brain. Did they emanate from Ryan’s cock, from Aria’s fingers, from the stone, or from her imagination?
A movement beside the rose bed directly below caught her eye. She shriveled. Where had that man come from? He waved at her and grinned. It was maddening. She was so close to bursting. The bald-headed man with a gray beard couldn’t possibly know what Ryan and Aria were doing to her.
Ryan slammed hard against her butt, nearly forcing her shoulders through the window. She pushed back against his thighs. That only seemed to stir him more.
“There’s a man out there,” she whispered. “He’s staring at me. Stop.” Her circuits began to explode one by one. “No, don’t stop. He can’t possibly know.” She tried desperately not to be overtaken by her mounting orgasm. She wouldn’t scream and give them away.
The man waved at her with his cane. What was he shouting? How could she possibly hear him? He was too far away. But he seemed very intent on getting her attention.
“Enjoy.” She heard the words as if the man stood right in front of her. “Don’t let me stop your pleasure. Let it go. Scream your wails of pleasure. The stones want to hear. I want to hear.”
Jamie bit down on her tongue but could not hold back. Her brow furrowed and she screamed, “Yes, oh my heavens! Yes, I’m coming!”
The older man placed the cane over his arm and applauded. “You are good for an old man’s soul, you temptress of the cloister.
Colors of the Night
Series : Colors of the Night #1
Author : Adriana Kraft
Published by: eXtasy Books
Publication Date: July, 2009
ISBN: 978-1-55487-319-7
Word Count: 65000; Print length: 180 pages
Heat Level : four flames (explicit sex, FM, FFM, FF; sex toys)
PUBLISHER: Extasy Books
Currently on sale for $2.50 from the publisher.
It’s easy to download Extasy books to your Kindle.
“Send to Kindle” instructions are at the top of the Extasy home page.
…And don’t forget to travel to the rest of today’s steamy excerpts:
“Temptress of the cloister”! Wonderful!